What Do I Need?
- Any Dedicated or Virtual Server
- Ubuntu
What is a Media Server?
A media server is super useful and a great way of organizing your media as well as accessing great content online. But designing the ultimate media server for your TV and movie collection can be a challenge. What hardware should you use, what operating system should you install, and what kind of software should you be running?
- Install GIT and Curl
You’ll need to install two bits of software first, Git and Curl. Git is version control software that allows developers to share their software, while Curl allows for data transfers from the internet:sudo apt install curl git
- Install DockSTARTer
Now we need to install Docker using DockSTARTer. DockSTARTer helps to smooth the installation and configuration process for the uninitiated with Docker.sudo git clone https://github.com/GhostWriters/DockSTARTer "/home/${USER}/.docker"
sudo bash /home/${USER}/.docker/main.sh -i
sudo reboot
- Run DockSTARTer and Install Apps
- Now your server has rebooted, it’s time to start getting jiggy with the awesomeness that is DockSTARTer.
- Use the following command to get started:
sudo ds
- Press ‘Enter’ to progress with configuration.
- Select ‘Full Setup’.
- Setup the Multimedia Server
- Select the following apps for creating a capable multimedia server:
Plex: Organizes all of your video, music, and photo collections.Ouroboros: Automatically updates running Docker containers.
Portainer: Provides a simple management UI for Docker.
- Press ‘Enter’.
- Accept the default settings for Plex.
- Accept the default settings for Portainer.
- Accept the default settings for DockSTARTer.
- Accept the default configuration settings for DockSTARTer.
- Accept the default global settings for DockSTARTer.
- The first option allows for the configuration of your server’s timezone. Assuming your system timezone is correct, choose Use System at this stage, or select another with Enter New. Edit the hostname in the following menu, either by using the current server hostname or selecting Enter New.
- The next dialog asks you to choose various user IDs and group IDs, it’s recommended you select the Use System option here.
- You’ll then have to select the correct folder for Docker’s configuration file. Unless you’re planning to alter this, choose Use System. The next dialog will ask if you want to set permissions on your Docker config file, select ‘Yes’ and press ‘Enter’.
- Once completed, DockSTARTer will confirm changes to your Docker configuration file. At its final stage, it’ll ask whether you want to create the final containers for your apps; select Yes and hit enter then wait for the process to complete.
- The apps will download and install in container ‘sandboxes’ created to your specifications. This may take a bit of time, depending on the apps you’ve chosen, the resources of your server, and your internet connection.
- Once it’s complete, your apps will install and be ready and running in Docker containers! Some may need further configuration, such as Emby, and may run with web UI for configuration. You can configure Emby, for instance, by visiting:
- You can also configure and monitor your Docker installation with Portainer. Using your browser visit:
- Create your first administration account. Choose a username and password, then hit ‘Create User’.
- Select the following apps for creating a capable multimedia server:
Next Steps
Docker takes away the pain from installing a media server on Linux. Instead of installing each application individually, using DockSTARTer, you can install Docker and all the container apps you need in an hour or less, depending on how quick your server is.
Using this how-to guide you can create an amazing media server capable of streaming your photos, videos, music, and other multimedia content. Get to it!
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